Builder Commands
The alternative method of registering commands is using the PlatformCommandBuilder
provided using the CommandFactory
method commandBuilder
. All the methods are relatively self explanatory, and below you can find an example.
public PlatformCommand getCommandNow() {
return this.commandFactory.commandBuilder()
.permissionCheck((sender, args) -> UtilPlayer.hasPermission(sender, "command.broadcast"))
.descriptionProvider((sender, args) -> Lists.newArrayList("Broadcast command"))
.noPermissionProvider(sender -> Collections.singletonList("&c&l(!) &cYou do not have permission to use this command!"))
.executor((sender, args) -> sender.sendSystemMessage(Component.literal("broadcast message! " + String.join(" ", args)))
.subCommands(Lists.newArrayList(getCommandNow())) // Probably best not to do this but serves as a reasonable example
.tabHandler((sender, args) -> Lists.newArrayList("hello world"))