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Placeholders for use in the GUI:

PlaceholderDescriptionExample Output
%percentage%Returns the players current Pokedex completion percentage18.35%
%pokemon%Returns the name of the Pokemons speciesWeedle
%pokedex%Returns the pokedex number of the Pokemon13
%biomes%Returns a comma separated list of biomes the Pokemon can spawn inSwamp, Swamp Hills
%spawn_times%Returns a comma-separated list of spawn times for the PokemonDawn, Morning, Day, Dusk, Night
%catch_rate%Returns the catch rate of the Pokemon, separate and formatted by gender
%sprite%Returns the resource location for the Pokemons sprite image. This is used in the UIImage NBT data string.

Placeholders for use in the Config:

%player%Returns the players username, for use in rewards.Dinnerbone