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GUI Placeholders

General Placeholders

%cost%Shows the TOTAL cost of editing the Pokemon, all-inclusive.
%unbreedable_cost%Shows the cost for setting the Pokemon to Unbreedable as defined in the config
%untradeable_cost%Shows the cost for setting the Pokemon to Untradeable as defined in the config
%shiny_cost%Shows the cost for setting the Pokemon to Shiny as defined in the config
%ability_cost%Shows the cost for setting the Pokemons Ability as defined in the config
%hidden_ability_cost%Shows the cost for giving the Pokemon a Hidden Ability as defined in the config
%gender_cost%Shows the cost for setting the Pokemons Gender as defined in the config
%per_level_cost%Shows the cost for setting the Pokemon to Unbreedable as defined in the config

Custom Variable Placeholders

Some costs are defined using custom keys/names in the config, such as pokeballs, growths, natures, and IV Increments. These all follow the same general format. As an example, if your config has the following growth-costs defined:

small: 100
pygmy: 500
enormous: 500

Your placeholders for the above costs would be %small_cost%, %pygmy_cost%, %enormous_cost%, etc. to display the individual adjustment costs.